
Es Chandra
  -  Podcast   -  Sales Transformation | #EsChats 004 | Leigh Farnell

Price is elastic. If people see value in what you do, they will find a way to do business.

Leigh Farnell

Don't expose yourself to an overload of updates. Guided meditation and deep breathing are things we can do to take control of our mental health.

Dr Joe Kosterich

There are alot of technology elements that are becoming the new norm. We will change the way we work and collaborate coming out of this. It's how we leverage the opportunities and relationships with our clients and the workplace.

Simon Cohen

I encourage anyone to look at this situation to say, what could I go back into the world and do differently. Fear is the 1st step in change. Now is your time, you've got the second shot at life.

Aaron Ryder

“Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip exea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit.”

-Lisa Morgan Creative director White Canvas

On this episode I chat to Sales Transformation expert Leigh Farnell. Leigh explains what sales transformation is all about in an organisation. We also chat about the negative connotations around the word ‘sales’ and how we now need to change our mindset in order to sell ourselves whether it be our career or our business, especially in a business to business type scenario.

We delve into why and how exactly data is going to play a role in sales in the future, and how it can matter when it comes to applying emotion and power in your sales process. Along with strategies on integrating a CRM into your business. We get a bit nerdy and chat about sales related metrics and what matters in regards to the future of sales with predictive KPIs & real time dashboards.



1:32 – What is Sales Transformation about?

3:09 – Sales is a dirty word

4:31 – You’ve got to sell yourself

5:55 – Business to business sales conversations to increase profit

9:26 – How data is going to play a role in sales in the future?

16:05 – Using emotion and power in your sales process

19:34 – The proposal does not sell

22:31 – Metrics around sales & leads

30:00 – Reducing friction with your customer

33:35 – Million dollar sales management

35:52 – Innovation coaching

37:20 – Strategies on integrating a CRM into your business

41:52 – Rear vision mirror – predictive KPIs & real time dashboards






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